Monday, November 9, 2009

International Students Can Enjoy Online Education With StraighterLine

From October, 2008…

The idea of online education was once treated as a novelty. Today, many companies and even governmental bodies regard it more as a necessity. And that applies not just to the United States either.

For example, there are many joint partnerships between computer companies, schools and governments overseas in educating their youth. Success stories have emerged from countries ranging from Chile to Rwanda creating a national learning network in every school.

Despite these accomplishments, many countries still do not have the resources to support higher education learning online. According to one source, affordability is the biggest barrier to these international students pursuing higher education. But it does not have to be this way.

We at StraighterLine (SL) believe that we can provide a viable option to international students due to our unique online offerings which include affordability as one of its key points. We partner with colleges to allow to students to receive credit for introductory general education courses in English composition, college algebra, basic accounting and macroeconomics. Each course costs the same flat fee – only $399 – and the e-books used with them typically costs less than half of what traditional textbooks do as well. Given the current economic situation, the increased purchasing power for international students makes SL a real bargain indeed for them.

And with our partnerships with several accredited universities and colleges, these students will find that the credit they earn will help them enroll in those institutions quickly and conveniently to finish their undergraduate degrees. Because our setup drives these students to American schools of higher learning, we benefit the U.S. economy with an influx of educated learners from overseas willing and able to spend their time and money here.

This is only one way StraighterLine provides advantages to those involved in the program. To learn many more of them, please visit, and learn how StraighterLine can be the shortest distance between you and your degree.

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